Subscribe to receive our Weekend Edition

For the Weekend Edition, I combine the community resources found around the Internet and the WordPress Teams’ Make blog content into a hand-curated round-up post and email every Saturday. Scroll down to provide your email address.

Hi there,

So, you want to know what our Weekend Edition is about?

You can see the latest editions here

For the Weekend Edition, I combine the community resources found around the Internet and the WordPress Teams’ Make blog content into a hand-curated round-up post and email every Saturday.

Starting with the 150th edition, I have been using Newsletter Glue connected with MailChimp, and I create the content in WordPress.

If you become a subscriber, you get an early invitation for next Live Q & As, and a few pieces of content that won’t make it into the blog post, mostly deeper analysis and thoughts on topics.

Subscribe to the Weekend Edition

Every Saturday afternoon in your inbox.

Thanks for subscribing.

You can certainly unsubscribe at any time and I won’t hold it against you. My life has gotten more productive, after I unsubscribed from emails and from social media (Facebook, WhatsApp). When it is no longer of use to you, I want you to unsubscribe. Every six months we remove inactive email addresses from the list.

We share your email address with Mailchimp, our email marketing provider. You can read their privacy policy here.