Gutenberg Developers at the WordPress VIP Workshop

Gutenberg lead designer, Tammie Lister and developer Miguel Fonseca, held multiple talks on Gutenberg at the Workshop 2018 hosted by the WordPress VIP Team. Watch the videos on YouTube and follow along with the slide decks.

Introduction: Why, oh Why?And what does it look like?

In 2018, WordPress will modernize, streamline, and simplify the content creation experience with Gutenberg, or Ship of Theseus. It represents the biggest change to the WordPress user experience in several years. We’ll hear from Miguel Fonseca, developer, and Tammie Lister, design lead, on where we are with Gutenberg before breaking out into business and developer tracks to dive further into what the new editor means for you!

Session description WordPress VIP Workshop 2018

In this video,  Tammie and Miguel co-presented to the answer to the question Why Gutenberg was started, and they demo what it looks like today with the various features.

Diving into Gutenberg

For Developers

You’ve read up on the Gutenberg project and know a bit about the new editor experience, but maybe you don’t quite know how to get started working with it for your sites. Miguel Fonseca, Gutenberg developer, will give some practical examples for migration and how you can contribute to the project. We’ll then open it up to the audience for a moderated discussion on all your technical Gutenberg questions.

Session description WordPress VIP Workshop 2018

Miguel Fonseca, Gutenberg developer, explained how to develop for the new WordPress editor, and gave some practical examples for migration and how you can contribute to the project. Follow along with below slide deck.

Miguel Fonseca also wrote about Premises of WordPress content handling on his blog.

For product owners and editorial

How will the new WordPress editor impact existing workflows, and how can I make the most out of everything that’s on the way? Hear the story so far, from Tammie Lister, the design lead of the project. This talk will guide you through the exciting new features and also bring you up to speed  on the current state of the overall Gutenberg core project, with a little dash of what is to come. Along the way you’ll find out how to get more involved and where to go for helpful tools and resources to get ready for Gutenberg in WordPress 5.0.

Session description WordPress VIP Workshop 2018 – Business Track

Explore Tammie’s slide deck. We’ll update this post when a video is available.

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[…] Gutenberg Developers at the WordPress VIP Workshop […]